Led by Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (La.), nearly 180 Republicans; 26 Senators, all but 7 and 138 GOP Representatives signed on a "friend of the court" otherwise known as an amicus brief in support of Donald Trump's battle to remain on the Colorado ballot.
Amicus briefs are strategically submitted in hopes to influence the decisions of judicial members of the court. Having 164 US legislators signing on this brief, doing Trump's bidding, maintains their satanic loyalty, and shows well for the MAGA voters.
Of note, Mitch McConnell also signed on despite his well known statements post Jan 6th, see the video here to refresh your memory.
McConnell said “there is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day,” and that “a mob was assaulting the Capitol in his name. These criminals were carrying his banners, hanging his flags, and screaming their loyalty to him.”
He later goes on, prior to vote on whether to convict Trump.... Senate Minority leader states "Trump's actions should be held accountable in a court of law", sending a signal to all other Senate Republicans to not convict him in Congress.
Vote4Change is dedicated to providing relevant and accurate information to help Americans to cast informed votes that make a difference. Information provided in this blog contains hyperlinks to all media sources quoted.
It is our hope that all American's will review past history, voting records, and legal briefs that indicate official elected legislators positions when considering who to vote for. For this reason we have included the complete list of the US Senators and US House of Representatives who signed on to this brief at the end of this blog and have incorporated it into the V4C Scorecards that can be found here.
Here are portions cut & pasted directly from the amicus brief as sponsored by Ted Cruz
SUMMARY OF THE ARGUMENT.... cut & pasted directly from the document. Use the link above to read the complete brief.
The Colorado Supreme Court ordered Donald Trump removed from the State’s presidential primary ballot, even though he is the current frontrunner for the Republican primary and favored by many polls to win the next presidential election.
Amici, comprising numerous U.S. Senators and Representatives, focus on how the Colorado Supreme Court’s opinion tramples the prerogatives of members of Congress. The court below raced past numerous textual and structural limitations on Section 3, which are primarily designed to ensure that Congress controls the enforcement and (if necessary) removal of Section 3’s “disability” on holding office .
This Court should reverse the decision below.
I.The Colorado Supreme Court’s Decision Encroaches on Congress’s Express Powers.
Congress—not any state court—plays a vital role in regard to Section 3. It is Congress that must pass implementing legislation authorizing enforcement of Section 3.
II. Section 3 Does Not Apply to Former President Trump.
The Colorado Supreme Court also erred by rejecting the argument that Section 3 is inapplicable to former President Trump, as he was never previously “an officer of the United States.” U.S. CONST. amend. XIV, § 3; Pet.App.70a–73a.
III. The Colorado Supreme Court’s Decision Lacks Neutral Principles and Will Lead to Widespread De-Balloting of Political Opponents.
Although this Court need not reach the questions of what qualifies as “insurrection” or what it means to “engage in” it, it is worth explaining why the decision below presents such a serious risk to the democratic process.
The following is the full list of amici:
United States Senate -all Republicans
Senator | State | Up for Re-election | |
Barrasso | WYOMING | 2024 | |
Blackburn | TENNESSEE | 2024 | |
Boozman | ARKANSAS | ||
Boyd-Britt | ALABAMA | ||
Braun | INDIANA | leave to run 4 Governor | |
Budd | NO CAROLINA | ||
Moore-Capito | W VIRGINIA | ||
Cornyn | TEXAS | ||
Cotton | ARKANSAS | ||
Cramer | N. DAKOTA | 2024 | |
Crapo | IDAHO | ||
Cruz | TEXAS | 2024 | Vulnerable for re-election |
Ernst | IOWA | ||
Fischer | NEBRASKA | 2024 | |
Graham | SO CAROLINA | ||
Grassley | IOWA | ||
Hagerty | TENNESSEE | ||
Hawley | MISSOURI | 2024 | |
Hoeven | N DAKOTA | ||
Hyde-Smith | MISSISSIPPI | ||
Johnson | WISCONSIN | ||
Kennedy | LOUISIANA | ||
Lankford | OKLAHOMA | ||
Lee | UTAH | ||
Lummis | WYOMING | ||
Marshall | KANSAS | ||
McConnell | KENTUCKY | ||
Moran | KANSAS | ||
Mullin | OKLAHOMA | ||
Ricketts | NEBRASKA | 2024 | |
Risch | IDAHO | ||
Rounds | SO DAKOTA | ||
Rubio | FLORIDA | ||
Schmitt | MISSOURI | ||
Scott | FLORIDA | 2024 | Vulnerable for re-election |
Scott | SO CAROLINA | ||
Sullivan | ALASKA | ||
Thune | SO DAKOTA | ||
Tillis | NO CAROLINA | ||
Tuberville | ALABAMA | ||
Vance | OHIO | ||
Wicker | MISSISSIPPI | 2024 |
United States House of Representatives – All Republicans
US House Representative | State/Dist | 2024 Re-election Status |
Aderholt | AL-4 | |
Alford | MO -4 | 1st term |
Allen | GA-12 | |
Amodei | NV-2 | |
Armstrong | ND-1 | |
Arrington | TX-19 | |
Babin | TX-36 | |
Banks | IN -3 | Leaving to run 4 Senate |
Barr | KY-6 | |
Bean | FL -4 | |
Bentz | OR -2 | |
Bergman | MI-1 | |
Bice | OK -5 | |
Biggs | AZ-5 | |
Bilirakis | FL -12 | |
Bishop | NC-8 | Leaving Run 4 another office |
Bost | IL -12 | |
Brecheen | OK -2 | 1st term |
Burchett | TN-2 | |
Burgess, | TX-26 | |
Burlison | MO -7 | 1st term |
Calvert | CA -41 | |
Cammack | FL -3 | |
Carl | AL-1 | |
Carter | GA-1 | |
Carter | TX-31 | |
Cline | VA-6 | |
Clyde | GA-9 | |
Cole | OK -4 | |
Collins | GA-10 | 1st term |
Comer | KY-1 | |
Crawford | AR -1 | |
Crenshaw | TX-2 | |
Curtis | UT -3 | Retire |
Davidson | OH-8 | |
Duncan | SC-3 | |
Dunn | FL -2 | |
Edwards | NC-11 | 1st term |
Ellzey | TX-6 | |
Emmer | MN-6 | |
Estes | KS-4 | |
Ezell | MS-4 | 1st term |
Fallon | TX-4 | |
Feenstra | IA-4 | |
Finstad | MN-1 | 1st term |
Fischbach | MN-7 | |
Fitzgerald | WI -5 | |
Fleischmann | TN-3 | |
Flood | NE-1 | |
Foxx | NC-5 | |
Franklin | FL -18 | |
Fry | SC-7 | 1st term |
Gimenez | FL -28 | |
Good | VA-5 | |
Gooden | TX-5 | |
Gosar | AZ-9 | |
Granger | TX-12 | Retire |
Graves | LA-6 | |
Graves | MO -6 | |
Green | TN-7 | |
Griffith | VA-9 | |
Guest | MS-3 | |
Guthrie | KY-2 | |
Hageman | WY-1 | 1st term |
Harris | MD-1 | |
Harshbarger | TN-1 | |
Hern | OK -1 | |
Higgins | LA-3 | |
Hinson | IA-2 | |
Houchin | IN -9 | 1st term |
Hudson | NC-9 | |
Huizenga | MI-4 | |
Jackson | TX-13 | |
James | MI-10 | 1st term |
Johnson | LA-4 | |
Johnson | SD-1 | |
Jordan | OH-4 | |
Kelly | MS-1 | |
Kelly | PA-16 | |
Lamborn | CO-5 | Retire |
Langworthy | NY-23 | 1st term |
Lesko | AZ-8 | Retire |
Luetkemeyer | MO -3 | Retire |
Luna | FL -13 | 1st term |
Luttrell | TX-8 | 1st term |
Mann | KS-1 | |
Mast | FL -21 | |
McClain | MI-9 | |
McClintock | CA -5 | |
McCormick | GA-6 | 1st term |
Meuser | PA-9 | |
Miller | IL -15 | |
Miller | WV-1 | |
Mills | FL -7 | 1st term |
Moolenaar | MI-2 | |
Mooney | WV-2 | Leaving to Run 4 Senate |
Nehls | TX-22 | |
Norman | SC-5 | |
Obernolte | CA -23 | |
Owens | UT -4 | |
Palmer | AL-6 | |
Pfluger | TX-11 | |
Posey | FL -8 | |
Reschenthaler | PA-14 | |
Rogers | WA -5 | |
Rogers | AL-3 | |
Rose | TN-6 | |
Rouzer | NC-7 | |
Rutherford | FL -5 | 1st term |
Scalise | LA-1 | |
Scott | GA-8 | |
Smith | MO -8 | |
Smith | NE-3 | |
Stauber | MN-8 | |
Stefanik | NY-21 | |
Steil | WI -1 | |
Strong | AL-5 | 1st term |
Tenney | NY-24 | |
Thompson | PA-15 | |
Tiffany | WI -7 | |
Timmons | SC-4 | |
Turner | OH-10 | |
Van Drew | NJ-2 | |
Van Duyne | TX-24 | |
Van Orden | WI -3 | 1st term |
Wagner | MO -2 | |
Walberg | MI-5 | |
Waltz | FL -6 | |
Weber | TX-14 | |
Webster | FL -11 | |
Wenstrup | OH-2 | Retire |
Westerman | AR -4 | |
Williams | TX-25 | |
Wittman | VA-1 | |
Womack | AR -3 | |
Yakym, | IN -2 | |
Zinke | MT-1 | 1st term |