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Cancel the Handmaid’s Tale movement... VOTE!

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

Recently, there have many social media posts likening the recent Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v Wade to The Handmaid's Tale. While I won’t watch the show, a brief internet search revels it's based on a best selling novel by Margaret Atwood, set in Gilead, a fictional region in the US. It depicts a totalitarian society run by a fundamentalist regime, where woman are property of the state. Gilead started experiencing declining population growth, so in order to rebuild, fertile women were forced into sexual servitude.

A bit too extreme? I don't think so! Take it as a WAKE UP CALL TO ARMS.

Now more than ever in our Country’s history, is the importance for every American to cast a vote is tantamount. If the conservatives in office today continue to remain unchecked, many of the basic liberties that some have died for and that many of us have taken for granted, could all be taken away.

Justice Thomas eluded to what could be next in his ruling:

· Contraception

· Same Sex marriage

· Sodomy Laws

Utilizing state Trigger Laws that went into place with the defeat of Roe V Wade, Texas Legislators immediately banned Abortions in the state and now are considering the Justice’s lead putting Same Sex Marriage in their cross hairs next.

The best way to stop further erosion of our rights is to Vote. Use your voice to elect legislators who will protect our freedoms.

The best way to stop further erosion of our rights is to Vote. Use your voice to elect legislators who will protect our freedoms.

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When deciding Who Should I Vote for? Go to a website packed with voting resources, US legislator voting records, plus current Congress/Senate election ballots to help Americans to cast informed votes that make a difference.

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