Over the years, as a politically savvy nurse lobbying for state level healthcare reform, trying to encourage my colleagues to vote.... this is what I would hear:
It won’t make any difference
I only vote during presidential elections
I don’t belong to a party
I have never voted...why start now
Politics is corrupt
I only vote for Women
So why vote?
· If you don’t vote, you’re letting others decide who wins and what issues matter.
· Communities that vote get more attention from candidates and office holders.
· When we vote and get our family members to vote, we can impact outcomes and
change the debate.
Up to the 2022 Midterms I plan to provide links with a quick overview some of the many websites on the Internet that can assist you in making informed votes.
These sites will help you:
Identify your state and federal legislators
get a better understanding about candidates positions·
learn the ins and outs on voting
The first web site is called Vote Smart-Facts Matter
"Their mission is to provide free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials to ALL Americans" [directly quoted from their site].

This site is packed with a lot of information about political candidates such as their positions, key votes, finances, and more. It also has a new feature that allows you to compare multiple candidates side by side.
When deciding Who Should I Vote for? Go to www.vote4change.info a website packed with voting resources, US legislator voting records, plus current Congress/Senate election ballots to help Americans to cast informed votes that make a difference.