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If abortion access were to become legal again ..... we need more democrats elected!

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

If there is ever a reason to vote democratic today we have one now! Take a look at the map above to see why.

First let’s take a look at maternal mortality rates in the United States. It’s no coincidence that 86% of the 15 states with the highest maternal deaths per 100 births [as reported by] also ban or about to severely restrict access to abortions. By contrast states with more permissive abortions laws have much lower maternal morality rates. PEW states that some “research suggests a connection between the denial of abortion services and maternal health.”

Secondarily, all but one of these states legislative chambers are under republican control. The majority of these state’s abortion laws also ban all types of abortion even after rape, incest, birth anomalies, and risk of maternal death. Ana Langer professor of public health and coordinator of the Women and Health Initiative at the Harvard T.H. Chan of Public Health states “We’ve seen that these laws do not result in fewer abortions. Instead, they compel women to risk their lives and health by seeking out unsafe abortion care. The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 23,000 women die annually from unsafe abortions along with tens of thousands experience significant medical complications. Back Alley or illegal abortions will increase across the country which will increase these numbers significantly. Black women are extremely vulnerable and at risk in today’s climate. The University of Colorado study in 2021 has found that a total ban on abortion could increase maternal mortality up to 21 % and as much as 33% for black women.

Let’s not forget to appreciate other widespread negative impacts when legal access to abortions are taken away. Many young woman and girls lives will change forever and many will not be able to complete their education. A woman’s ability to raise their stature in the workforce also will become limited. Gender gaps will increase impacting their health and their chances to fulfill their potential. Decreased need for abortions occurs more often as women who are better educated, have better access to a full range of reproductive health care, thus reducing the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies.

The quality of health care provided to pregnant women will also suffer as many OB-GYN providers are now fearful that they could be charged with a crime. Much of the newly passed legislation is purposely vague, as a scare tactic to intimidate healthcare providers. Many of the various state statutes will jeopardize the care of women who have miscarried, limiting and or prohibiting the use of certain medications or treatments such as mifepristone, a drug meant to help the mother pass an early miscarriage.

Women with cancer who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy may elect to delay or stop cancer treatment if forced to carry the baby jeopardizing their own long-term health. Chronic health conditions can be exacerbated during pregnancy, shutting down kidneys, necessitating the need to terminate the pregnancy to save the mother’s life. Suicide rates will undoubtably rise when desperate pregnant women are unable to obtain abortions.

Beyond the physical and healthcare risks to women, experts are predicting a wide range of mental health issues, rising from the loss of abortion access and the associated socioeconomic backlash. It gets even higher for the marginalized groups such as low income, LGBTQ+, and persons of color.

Dr. Rubiahna L. Vaughn an assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine speaks about the public myth that pregnant women feel good about themselves, however data suggest otherwise, there is an increase risk of depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety. Women with pre-existing mental health issues who are denied abortions are likely to see marked deterioration of mental health.

Other studies show that women who are denied access to abortions experience greater levels of distress in the short term as compared to those who have had an abortion. The level of distress disrupts their life, increases anxiety lowering their self-esteem and overall satisfaction. Many of these women will have persistent migraines, headaches, joint pain and poor overall health.

Let’s take a look of the impact of an unwanted pregnancy, according to multiple studies these women are more likely to smoke, drink alcohol, take illicit drugs, and are less like to partake in prenatal care. The unwanted child is also impacted, many children show cognitive delays, increased behavioral problems, and much high rate of substance abuse.

Supreme Court Justice Thomas signaled in his decent decree, that bans on birth control could be next. The PEW Trust reports that Missouri, Idaho, Louisiana, and Illinois have contraceptive bans or have taken other measures to block access for certain contraceptive measures such as IUDs and the morning after pill.

These draconian measures will only increase maternal mortality or loss of life which ironically is opposite of what the right wing conservative groups espouse pro-life. The only way to change this is to vote in candidates that are pro-choice. #VoteBlue2022

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